Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In Albany This Week...

Not much to say about it.  It's a simple business trip--training with the New York Independent System Operator, the guys who run New York State's electrical market.  This week's training is semi-annual, and this is the third time I've been.

So far, the highlights of my week include:
 - Last night's dinner.  We went out for hibachi.
 - Watching Ultimate Avengers II on Netflix last night.
 - A short run this morning, in which I managed to give myself a charlie-horse in my left quad.
 - Working on the new comic idea during lunch today.

The local area is pretty hilly, and while I didn't mind the uphill sections too much, the downhills were murderous.  My quad locked up on me right at the 29-minute mark--just before I got back to the hotel.  *sigh*  Luckily, I don't seem to be injured, just a little sore.

On the comic--what can I say?  I've got the thing planned, and I've got the first three scenes drafted, but I've not had the time to sit down and finish hammering out the whole script.  What's more, I've discovered how out-of-practice I am with scripting, so it's taking me longer than I think it normally would, on top of which, I've no idea how my final page-count is gonna look.  I mean, not that it matters, but when I do something, I do try to do it right.

Anyway, tonight we're headed to a local Italian steakhouse called Delmonico's for dinner.  Exciting, no?

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