Thursday, November 7, 2024

Interview with the Lima Charlie Show

I did an interview with the nationally syndicated Lima Charlie Show a few weeks ago, and that interview is now set to air on Saturday at 4:00 pm. Ironically, this will be opposite Army at North Texas on ESPN2. 

What can you do? 

In an already frustrating week, this is just one more frustration.

I'll be really curious to see the reaction to this interview. I almost never let this much of myself out publicly, and more to the point, the interview itself is decidedly leftist. I mean, y'all are in a death cult and only *just* voted to kill people who don't have health insurance. Here I am at once criticizing our health care system and also trying to help people who've gotten themselves into trouble. We are not the same.

I honestly have no idea what the reaction to that will be. If you have the courage of your convictions, you should be demanding that cancer patients either pull themselves up by their bootstraps or die trying.

Watch the interview or don't. I still hope that I never see you again.

* * *

Edit: It's become clear that people are taking this as, "Dan's doing a good thing," not, "Dan critiques American society for failing to protect people, and he's critiquing me personally for my part in our nation's apathy."

Y'all are reading this wrong. This is why I never want to see you again.

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