Thursday, July 18, 2024

Journey Into Madness: The WiiM Pro Plus & Our Household Sound System

With this post, we've now written three times about our never-ending journey towards building a high(ish)-end sound system in our house and on our back deck. While I don't know that we're necessarily done with this project, we're done for right now. Thus, this post serves as a cross between a write-up of lessons learned and an exorcism of the madness that's developed from starting to learn about this stuff in the first place.

From an early version of Sports Bar on the Back Deck.
We've come a LONG way from here.

If you missed the previous entries in this series, you can find them here:

We may well come back to this in the future, but for right now, I feel like I've maybe exhausted my wife's patience with this thing. Moreover, we've definitely hit a point of diminishing returns.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Journey Into Mystery: Building a Sound System on my Back Deck

If you know me, then you probably know that I go through phases. I get obsessive and maniacal about stuff on a rotating basis. My most recent phase is high fidelity (HiFi) sound on a budget, and it's been perfect for me in the sense that it's intensely, endlessly complicated with no obvious end-point in sight.

Our back deck canopy

It turns out that like Triathlon, HiFi is a journey, not a destination.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Twitter Threads: Sound Quality

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Touring My Trophy Case

I reorganized my trophy case, going from two rows to three. In the process, I added a few things that had previously been either in our library or in our china cabinet, and I removed a few things that either weren't true trophies or that were redundant with other stuff that was already in there.

Here's where we landed. I tried to leave a little room at the top for future Swim Across the Sound trophies.

I'm now dying to explain this. If you're interested, the explanation is past the jump.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

#AsForDynamite: Let’s Talk About Writing, Wrestling, & Social Media

With apologies, this post will not talk about anything directly related to AEW or pro-wrestling. Instead, let’s talk a little about the -- ten zillion -- wrestling influencers out there and what would-be entrants to the game might do to find a following for themselves.

By way of bonafides, I’ll offer the obvious: I am not a wrestling influencer. 

I am the Editor and Managing Partner of As For Football (AFF), the world’s greatest Army Football fansite. I hold both a BS in European History from the United States Military Academy and an MBA in International Finance from Fordham University. More importantly for the purposes of this discussion, I did my five-course engineering sequence in Computer Science and Database Design, so I personally know how to do all the coding associated with our website. I also did the vast majority of my MBA electives in Marketing with a focus on Entrepreneurship. That gave me a sense of how to carve out a niche in an otherwise crowded landscape.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Twitter Threads: Sunday's Workout

This post is part of the Twitter Threads project. I posted this last Sunday.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

#AsForDynamite: AEW Survey Answers

I answered a survey.

If you'd like to answer it yourself, you can find it here.