Friends, I get requests almost every day for the PDF version of "The Mystery of Malvern Manor". 

I expanded "Malvern Manor" into "Mordecai's Monster"
a few years ago for EN Publishing.

I've been ignoring these requests for months because that PDF has been stored in my personal Google Drive account, and frankly, I'm not sure what the security ramifications are from sharing that account with seemingly half of the Internet using population of this planet. 

But you guys ask legit every single day, so...

BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT, I dropped these files into the little-used Drive account associated with the semi-annonymous email I created for Danno E. Cabeza, my public-facing persona that edits As For Football. I use this account specifically to sign up for 10% off whatever website and to catch spam from AFF, so I dont' *think* it's tied to anything important. Maybe you can use it to hack my account at The Athletic. That's about it, though. I hope.

With that in mind, please find the updated PDF archives of all of my most popular D&D stuff below, plus "Mordecai's Monster" because the exclusive publishing license for that thing has long since expired.

Support This Blog

If you feel the need to thank me monetarily for any or all of this content, you can do so either by contributing to my Swim Across the Sound campaign (preferred) or by buying one of my D&D novels, Sneakatara Boatman and the Priest of Loki and Sneakatara Boatman and the Crown of Pluto. Both come in the tradition of your favorite Forgotten Realms books. They're about my kids' D&D characters, halfling rogue Sneax (played by my daughter Hannah) and her best friend, the human swordmade Elaina Emboo (played by the real-life Emboo, my daughter Emma). I would really love to get thoughts on them from the D&D community at large. So here's hoping.

If you want to know about me personally, you can also read my memoir.

Anyway. The PDF links you came here for are listed below. I've added a few notes. Note that I've only given you READ access, so you'll want to download these, I think.


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D&D Adventures via Google Drive (Folder Level Access)

The Mystery of Malvern Manor. A quick one-shot that I wrote for my kids and their friends. The kids loved it, so I wrote it up & published it here. Now everyone loves it. 

This thing's success got me writing more of these, and now here we are.

The Mystery of Mordecai's Monster. As I said in the opening, I expanded Malvern Manor for EN5ider. It's maybe a three-shot. I've never actually played it, so if you do run it, let me know how it went. I've heard that it's very hard for the players if you run it as-written. This is good.

The Fall of Cahokiantep. This is probably the most interesting piece on here, at least conceptually, and it's also probably the second-most popular thing I've written D&D-wise. It's a short planar adventure. I've always wanted to rewrite it as a short story, but I've never actually gotten around to that.

Christmas with the Orcs. Wrote this for the kids for Christmas, and they were damn-near finished with it before they realized that the villain is Santa Claus. It was a monster hit at our house, though.

Race to the Temple of Storms. This one started as a short story, and then I rewrote it as an adventure. My kids liked the adventure, for whatever that's worth. There's a really good skills challenge in here.

The Disappearance of Jaxon Carrows. Another mystery adventure. Let me know if you like this one. I can't remember what the kids thought of it.

Zeke's Mine. A short dungeon crawl. It's super-simple, but it was a hit when we played it.

The Demon's True Name. I wrote this one for a WotC D&D contest. Half the contest was just demonstrating that you could use their format correctly. Anyway, I made it to the finals before getting cut. Alas. On the flip side, even my wife liked this one, so that's something.

Journey Through Crocodile Crossroads. Wrote this as a straight sequel to Malven Manor, and played it with the kids and their friends the next time we got together. Went okay. It's probably not weird enough, honestly.

Mermaids Revisited. Worked with my daughter Hannah to develop Mermaids as a playable race. This is version 2.0. We've used it a lot. It works really well.

Were-Guinea Pigs. Folks seem to like this concept for a silly, playable race. However, we've never actually used it in play.

The Combat Engineer Class. This was another online hit that I've never actually used in play. You'd need to adapt it to the new 5.5e ruleset, but there are still some interesting ideas in here, I think.

Trouble at Sunbar Reef. I've never finished this adventure, but in my personal opinion, it's worth your time just for my homebrew underwater combat ruleset. This piece uses the same core exploration mechanic I invented for Cahokiantep, but it's MUCH bigger here. Hence never actually finishing this bitch. With that said, if I ever actually run another game, I'm running this.


  1. Great site! Thanks for the solo adventure!!

    Excellent job with it! More please :)

    Take Care,

    1. Thanks. Those take forever to write, though, so while I'd like to do another one eventually, don't be looking for it anytime soon. Also, the next one will certainly be using the D&D Next rules.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
