Sunday, August 11, 2013

Back to Reality

Our vacation is coming to an end, and it makes me sad.  We had eight days up here on the lake, living pretty much off he grid, and it was nice.  But now we've got to pack up and drive back--seven hours south and west to Coastal Connecticut. 

Don't get me wrong. Connecticut is not a bad place to live. In fact, after something like thirty-five moves that have taken me all over the country, our adoptive hometown of Stratford is easily one of my favorites. I don't know that it quite beats out Fallbrook, California, but I like it better than I liked either Washington, DC, or Tampa, Florida, and I was very happy in both places. Besides, the one thing that Stratford has that's much more accessible than it is in those other places is the beach. We live all of two miles from Short Beach in Stratford--so close that most of my favorite run routes go down along the water. Those other places have beaches, too, of course, but in every case you have to load up the car and drive at least half and hour or so. In Stratford, it's right there. 

But, y'know, Stratford, Washington, even Tampa, are all places where the hustle and bustle of everyday life is ever present. It's not like I can get away from it. I mean, I like working in Manhattan, but it's still the biggest, bustlingest city in the country.  Going back to reality means going back to the pace of real life. And I guess that's okay, but I know for a fact that I'll need these memories of the serenity of Green Lake to get me through some of the chaotic times ahead. 

As summers go, this certainly hasn't been bad. We've had one week of hot weather--granted, we could always have more--but mostly it's been quiet and relaxed all around.  Even triathlon season is coming to a close. I've got a race next weekend, and another one in early September, and than that's pretty much it for the season. 


We rented a second bike attachment and went out on the carriage roads as a family in Acadia yesterday.  It was a nice day--riding is easily my favorite thing that we do as a family--but even that has to change. Hannah is definitely right up at the weight limit for the attachment; pulling her yesterday was a serious challenge, even though I could feel her helping with her Trail-a-Bike's pedals. But what are you gonna do?  Any way you look at it, Acadia is a hilly and at least moderately challenging place to ride. Sure, I'm okay out there, but I ride every day. For a nine-year-old, the place is a significant obstacle. Fact is, we've got to get her out on the bike a lot more as part of our regular lives. 

Anyway, we went to Bar Harbor for dinner and souvenir shopping after our ride, and that was fun, too. Dinner was terrific--the best we've had in a long time. 

All in all, I have to say that it was a terrific way to close out the trip. 

Now, of course, we have to drive back, but I least I can do it with Sally and the girls. It's nice having them around. 

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