Saturday, November 5, 2011

Dear Wizards of the Coast,

Can you please publish some new upper Paragon or Epic Tier articles in Dungeon Magazine?  Maybe a side quest or two and/or a little campaign through the Hells?

Look, I run a game that's headed to the Hells, and yes, I can design a campaign to do what I need it to do.  But I don't feel like I'm real great with setting up the traps and terrain features, and I HATE drawing the battle maps.  It takes for-freakin'-ever!

Here's the hook:

The drow wizard Asterlix sold his soul to Asmodeus for power but then used that power to turn himself into a lich, preventing Asmodeus from collecting Asterlix's soul.  Asmodeus wasn't happy, but before he had a chance to send the repo man to collect Asterlix's soul, Glasya hired my PCs to go kill Asterlix themselves and take his soul for her instead.  So now my PCs have to deliver the soul to Glasya in the 6th Circle without Asmodeus's minions getting in the way.

Awesome, right?  I know.

So.  What I need you guys to do is to write that up as a big old article in Dungeon Magazine, complete with maps.  Awesome maps.  That would save me HOURS of planning, and to be honest, I really could use that time in other ways.

Got it?


Dan Head

1 comment:

  1. Dan,

    Thank you for contacting Wizards of the Coast!

    While it will be unlikely that we can fulfill your specific request of creating higher tier material, I can let the powers that be aware of your desire to see more higher level support. We place great value in the feedback, ideas, and suggestions of our customers. I assure you that Game Support meets with teams around the company on a regular basis, and we make it a priority that your voice is heard. While we cannot guarantee a direct response, we can promise that your thoughts and concerns are being passed along to the right people.

    Take care and good gaming!
    We would appreciate your feedback on the service we are providing you. Please click here to fill out a short questionnaire.

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