Saturday, September 8, 2012

Saturday Stray Voltage

You might've noticed that I put up a new menu bar today and a new About Me page, along with a link to the Proletariat Comics Homage page.  I'm not telling you not to read it, but at this point, the About Me page is still very much a Work-in-Progress.  I liked what my friend Amber did with hers, so I decided to put one up for myself, but as with a lot of things in life, what I initially thought was gonna take ten minutes actually turned out to be a whole project.

This was the logo for Proletariat Comics.  In the long run,
that name (and theme) proved more confusing than clever,
but I still like it.
The page was supposed to be a short autobiography that explains who I am, what this blog is about, and how I came to care about the topics we're covering.  Instead, it kind of went off the rails, becoming who I am and why I left the Army.  So thematically it doesn't make a lot of sense, and worse, I think the tone is all wrong.

Well, writing is re-writing, so what do you expect?

Anyway, I spent some time during Spin Class this morning thinking about this, but all I really came up with is the simple realization that what I have isn't really what I wanted.  Still, it's probably better than nothing, so I'm not gonna take it down.  Just realize that it's an evolving thing.  Your comments are more than welcome, but the base document is probably going to change over the course of the next few weeks.

I'll let you know more when I feel like there's more to share.

I wrote my first piece for Triathlon.About.Com a couple of weeks ago, and it finally went up last week.  It's right here, if you're interested, "How Do I Know If Triathlon Is Right For Me?"

I drafted my next piece yesterday, called, "How Do You Fit It All In?"  I'll let you know when that's up.

Finally, Spin Class was awesome this morning.  The instructor opened with Jay-Z's song about New York.  I love that song.