Sunday, December 17, 2017

Advertising Update

Made a change to the blog's advertisement allowances.  I'd previously allowed anything (read: sports betting and various adult "dating" sites) on the theory that a) my audience is mostly adults, and b) even if they aren't, I'm still basically in favor of the corruption of the innocent.

Especially if it earns me a buck.

What I hadn't realized until just this morning was that alcohol sales ads were prohibited by default by Google AdSense.  Which makes NO SENSE; I mean, who thinks hookers are less damaging to the fabric of society than a bottle of Captain Morgan?  Having been to rural Korea with the United States Cavalry, I find myself in position to absolutely assure all you fine folks that hookers are, in fact, much worse for a place's general social structure than alcohol is.  So I enabled alcohol ads on the site.

A lot of these ads are contextual, hence this post.  I want to see what these ads look like.
Captain Morgan's most notorious ad campaign.
Anyway, please drink responsibly.  But by all means drink.  And if you need booze and find it advertised here, please please please go ahead and buy it here, too.  That can only help in the long run.

Thank you for your support.

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