Monday, July 6, 2020

Return to Newport, Rhode Island

We went camping in Rhode Island over the weekend. We weren't necessarily planning to spend a whole day down at Easton's Beach in Newport, but what with various coronavirus restrictions and all, that's the way it worked out.

Off Sandy Point.  I've always wanted to be a mermaid.
Regular readers will already know that we go to Newport a lot, and that it's one of my favorite places to shoot pictures. That was true this time as well, though I don't know that any of these were groundbreaking. Plus, it was a little overcast for most of the day, meaning that I had to color correct a bunch of these more than I would have liked.

But hey. Maybe you guys will like a few of these. If you do, let me know.

These are all from Easton's Beach, just down from the Cliff Walk in Newport.

Yours truly via selfie stick
Sally the girls with the flag. Because it's the 4th of July.

We spent an hour or so in the water body-boarding, and then we set up camp. Most of these pics come from that next hour, when we were either sitting while I shot passersby for practice, or we walked, and I did "street photography" on the beach. Again, that was basically just for practice and because I enjoy it.

Warning: some of this editing might need a little work.

My favorite part of this day was Hannah discovering her inner surf-bunny. In just single hour, she became a die-hard body-boarder. We're actually going back to the beach this weekend, so she can ride some more.

It was cool!

Getting these action shots turned out to be a lot harder than it looks
The rest of these are from different times during the weekend. The beach shots are from Second Beach in Middletown. The others are out-takes from our family bike ride up the East Bay Bike Path.

Words to live by: "Inhale tacos, exhale negativity."
Ice cream stop.
That's it!  Thanks for stopping by.

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