Monday, August 20, 2012

Lately I've Been Reading...

Dossey Expat Adventures
My friends Amber and Matt just moved to Malaysia.  I've known Amber since the day before R-Day, 1991.  Meanwhile, Matt and I were roommates during our Cow (Junior) year at the Academy--at least, I think that's when it was.  Anyway, they got married and lived happily ever after... and now they're in Malaysia.  And this is their story.

Major Spoilers
There are lots of comics news sites out there.  I like Major Spoilers because they put out a bunch of terrific podcasts every week.  What makes these podcasts good?  The crew all have experience working in broadcasting.  So they sound like professional radio guys rather than mere nerds sitting around a shared microphone talking comics.

Total Pro Sports.Com
There is no good reason to read TotalProSports.Com.  The site is a little like TMZ but dedicated to professional sports.  I fact, I mostly don't read Total Pro Sports.  I mostly just look at the pictures.


  1. Dan- for some reason I've always thought that we were on our recruiting trips to WP the same weekend as high school seniors? Not sure if that is true or a figment of my imagination? Do you remember? I had longish blonde hair, asked a TON of (probably ridiculous) questions and was rocking some flower patterned jeans that the cadets gave me shit about the whole time! :)

    And I totally credit you with being the guy that introduced me to my husband- so thanks, friend!

    1. Y'know, I think you're right about that. I totally forgot!

      As for getting you guys together... Yes, I totally deserve the credit for that.

  2. Oh-and FYI- you have the same "prove your not a robot" security thing enabled. If you need help undoing that, just let me know- I am very tech savvy these days! Ha! :)

  3. Really? Even if you're signed in with Google or whatever? I had no idea. It doesn't make ME prove that I'm not a robot.


  4. This is a test of the Prove you aren't a robot system. Or lack thereof.
