Saturday, May 9, 2020

More Yoga Trapeze

Putting this out there in case you've been hoping for more pics or actual videos of yoga trapeze work.  If so, you're in luck.

This is the current home-gym set-up.  We have mats and stuff set up in the basement, but the ceiling down there is too low for me, so this is out in our garage.

These are just workout videos.  I did super-sets in threes, but I only filmed the dramatic trapeze stuff because no one wants to see regular old push-ups or crunches or whatever.  

Anyway, this first one is the trapeze push-up.  It's not really harder than a regular push-up, but it takes more concentration and a little practice because there is no stability here whatsoever.  It feels a little like doing push-ups on a cable crossover machine.

The hardest thing about all the gyms being closed is working my lats.  That's a bad problem to have as a swimmer.   We don't even have many dumbbells at the house, so really, the trapeze has been a godsend.  At least for chest and shoulders, you can always do push-ups.  For back, we were pretty much out of luck.  

Anyway, this next exercise is a trapeze row, and as you might expect, it's become a new favorite.

This last shot is actual trapeze yoga.  It moves through a basic diamond-leg inversion called Spider-Man to a trapeze plank called Superman.  I filmed it because Sally really struggles getting into Superman.  So yeah, this is a kind of marital shit-talking right here.

That's it!

If you want a trapeze or want to learn to do some of this stuff at our place once COVID-19 is over, reach out to Sally via HeadSpace.Fit.  She is actively looking for Yoga Trapeze clients.  And honestly, even if you just want to learn the basics and improve your home gym, it's worth taking a month of lessons as you get into it.  There's a lot here, and some of it is not super-obvious.

Enjoy the weekend.

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