Tuesday, February 21, 2023

30 Day Poetry Challenge: Day 21

My daughter Hannah suggested this challenge for our family. She wanted to try writing more poetry, and she hoped that this challenge might get her into the habit. She, my daughter Emma, and I started this thing, and then my wife joined after a few days. Now we are all doing the challenge. 

Today is Day 21.

21. 21 Questions. Write a poem using only questions (21 to be exact) about a feeling, person, or topic you would like to know more about. 

“Corporate Training”

Why am I here?
Was it fear?
Was that it?
Can you see it clear?
Don’t you wish that we had beer?

Come on, is this stuff important?
Why does it seem sordid?
Or is it just mundane and boring?
Does it seem almost morbid?
Or is it just lame and even more mid?

Do we just go with the flow?
Do you know?
Is that what they want?
But what if there’s snow?
Are we trapped, or can we get out and go?!

Will we ever learn for real?
How do you feel?
Are you also stuck, too?
Can we maybe get a meal?
Or at least make some kind of deal?

Does any of this make sense?

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