Thursday, August 1, 2024

Swim Across the Sound Update


Team RBG had a banner week this week, totalling over $8,000 in donations from our incredibly generous friends and families. I feel truly blessed and humbled by your outpouring of support this past week, and indeed, throughout this whole season. The Swim changes lives, especially mine. Watching my own friends and collegues come together to support my cause has been a life-changing, life-affirming event in an increasingly hostile and polarizing world.

Selfie from Tuesday's taper training session.

We all need to feel loved, and we all need to feel needed. I felt both in abundance this week. That's not down to MY efforts. That's because of all of YOU.

Thank you.

I love all of you very much.

For those of you who live anything like locally, I strongly encourage you to come out and watch us finish Saturday afternoon at Captain's Cove in Bridgeport. Help us celebrate our team and the work that the Swim does in our local community. This hasn't been the easiest year to organize Team RBG, but it might have been the most rewarding.

If you're wondering, I've swum more this training cycle than I have at any time since the Glory Days ended way back in 1995. I've had every kind of day you can imagine in the pool over the past few months, including a few where I actually felt like my old self. At times, I've even found myself thinking, "Hey. Y'know, I'm actually good at this."

Part of me can't help wishing that you all could have seen me back in the the Old Days, when I really WAS good. Mostly, though, I'm grateful just to be happy and healthy enough to do this, and to have the support of friends and family pushing me along.

I hope you all have a great weekend.


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