Friday, September 20, 2024

A Few Favorite Pics from Maine

Sally and I went to Maine last week on vacation. Now that I've finally had a chance to comb through all the pictures we took, here are some of my favorites.

We stayed at HTR Acadia, formerly the Somes Sound View Campground. As that name implies, this place is right on Somes Sound. We sat down by the water pretty much every night to sip some wine and just hang out and talk about the day.

Sally on the dock at Sommes Sound

Our makeshift fire didn't quite go, but this gives a good sense of the overall scene.

I'm more of a cyclist, but Sally loves hiking. We hiked several times, but our most dramatic hike by far was up the infamous Beehive Trail.

Here's Sally climbing the trail's infamous iron wrungs. We both found this a bit easy considering the rep this trail possesses.

I don't know that this is at the top of the Beehive, but it's definitely that same day. The Beehive overlooks Sand Beach, so this might be a different peak.

Yours truly on this same hike. I'm holding Sally's sticks here.

I most enjoyed our long ride day. We wound up rising a little bit more than 15 miles Around the Mountain on Acadia's carriage roads. The actual loop started with a four-mile climb, which I loved and Sally tolerated.

Pics or it didn't happen, am I right?

We took the most pics -- and by far the best quality pictures -- out on Little Moose Island, which sits maybe an hour's drive out from the main part of the part. Little Moose Island is across a short sandbar from Schoodic Head. Highly recommended, especially if you've been to Acadia once already and want to get a little off the beaten path.

Sally stanging on Little Moose Island looking back towards Schoodic Head.

Yours truly with Faith on Little Moose Island looking out towards the Gulf of Maine.

Obligatory selfie with the note that I took this using my actual camera not my phone.

More of Sally on Little Moose Island.

Finally, this tiny covered bridge is in the hamlet of Somesville, maybe two miles north of our campground. We drove by it every day and eventually stopped for a photo op on our way back from Schoodic Head.

We took a million of these. This was by far my favorite.

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