I set a goal for the New Year to spend less time on social media and more time here. It's not that I don't want folks to be able to catch up with what's going on with me and Sally, it's that social media writ-large feels like a dying a medium. I've only ever been on social media to promote my own writing and/or to see pictures of my friends doing awesomely fun stuff, but even with that, it's a little too easy to just pontificate mindlessly on those sites.
Which is dumb. I have a site for that, it's here, and it's actually mine.
So anyway, here are some recent social media posts. I'm posting them here, so that you can catch up if you want to. I've presented these in chronological order.
This next post came last week. While most of the country sat under freezing, blizzardy conditions, the Northeast had seasonal cold, accompanied by high winds. I rode my regular bike commute and skied in those conditions... twice!
Hannah took this next picture out at Ski Butternut. We had a great day despite it being windy enough that the main lift spent most of the day on Wind Hold.
This selfie is awesome.
Selfie with Zop ('96) up at Okemo under the same conditions. But an AWESOME ski day nonetheless.
This one came earlier this week. Temps have moderated, but more to the point, it's MUCH less windy.
Finally, there's this:
If you're wondering, Google has since stopped showing me these ads. So... yay?
Three cheers for cookie tracking, I guess.
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