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For much of his life, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle truly disliked writing stories about Sherlock Holmes.  Amazing but true.  Alas, the public loved Holmes, and when Doyle attempted to end the series by killing off the famous detective, Londoners went crazy.  They simply could not accept that Holmes was dead.  More to the point, they didn't care overmuch what other projects Doyle himself looked forward to writing in the future.  In the end, Doyle bowed to the public's wishes and brought Holmes back from the dead.  That decision pigeonholed his writing forever.

I've felt a bit like this lately because when I've talked to folks about the blog, especially in person, they invariably say things like, "I love that sports blog you write."

Which is great.  I am super-happy that folks are digging my work.  It's beat the living Hell out of any possible alternative.  Still, though, sports is maybe 30% of the way that I personally look at this thing, and it's only that high because I've been leaning heavily into college football of late, both because I've been enjoying it and because other people seem to like my writing about it.

Readership is way, way up, so I'll call that a success.  But it necessitates this post, which has the intent of hopefully broadening your perspective on what I'm trying to do.

Click here to get started.
Or, to put it another way, if you like this blog, let me tell you right now how you can support it.  These are listed in order of usefulness.

1. Buy my books.  I've thought for years about putting up a Tip Jar, but I always decide against it.  I get the whole "pay what you want" thing, but I've said no to a lot of would-be writing projects lately, either because they offer low pay or because they pay in "exposure" in exchange for actual work.  Really, I'm not looking to do charity work for for-profit businesses.  I have a third-party page rate, it's not exorbitant, and that's that.

So.  I'm not looking for your charity.  But I've written a couple of novels--for my kids--and if you like my work, well... they're my work.  The easiest way to support my work is to read it, and of course, the money from novel sales goes straight back to me.  That's not complicated.

I have no idea if you will like Sneakatara Boatman and the Priest of Loki or the follow-up, Sneakatara Boatman and the Crown of Pluto, but it'll cost you less than $6 to find out, and that is easily the best way that you can support this blog.

2. Review my books.  This is arguably more important even than buying the books, but you obviously can't review anything you've not read.  So.  Amazon won't promote indy books with less than 15 positive reviews, and I'm waaaaay too proud to beg friends for help and/or try to fake reviews.  I just won't do it.  However, if you've read the books and liked them, by far and away the best thing you can do for my writing is to leave positive reviews on Amazon's website.  It helps a lot.

3. Spread the word.  Honestly, I can't fault you guys on this one.  Word is getting out about the football portions of this blog, and I really appreciate it.  Still, if you like it, always always always send the links out to your friends and neighbors.  That helps a ton!

4. Read other parts of the blog.  This blog is ad-supported.  I keep a detailed archives via the tabs at the top of the page by way of monetizing old content.  It never goes away, it just keeps getting read, driving ad revenue forever--at least that's the plan.  So if you like this blog, and you have some time to kill, do me a favor and read through some of the archives.

#SBRLLR.  This is my memoir, Swim, Bike, Run, Live, Love, Repeat.  It's my current project.  I started it when I got hung up writing the third Sneax book, and it kind of came flooding out afterwards.

Sketches.  This is the tab for writing experiments.  Some are finished, some aren't.  The Summer Reading List Project might be worth your time, and there are also lists of book and movie reviews as well as some short fiction at the bottom.  Among other things, there's a quick Sneax story there and one of my favorite comics projects, Russians.  I've even got a poetry collection in there, though that's not monetized.

That's it!  Thanks in advance for your support.


  1. I read all parts of your blog, as you know, and I’m least interested in your sports stuff! �� my fave posts are The Friday posts... and your books! And any time you review cultural stuff. You have a ton of insight. I thought your review of A Star is Born said something I couldn’t pinpoint in my own reading... and hadn’t read elsewhere! I’ll have the girls review Sneaktara today!


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